For many marketers, email newsletters are the recipe for success – which translates into a higher ROI (return on investment). After all, the ROI for email marketing is four times higher than any other channel: the average return for email marketing is an astounding 122%, according to an eMarketer study.

Of course, newsletters have their challenges like every other marketing channel. If it was easy, every business would be doing it. Nevertheless, you shouldn’t discard it just because it may appear to be too difficult.

One thing that can make sending a newsletter easier is to use templates. In this article, we’ll show you a few examples of email templates that you can use on Platformly. We’re sure you’ll find the right templates for you! 📝

1. Blue Blog Style

Blue Blog Post

If your company has a blog for your product updates and news, you can use a template to share those updates with your contact list. This template is quite clean, with a blue headline box and a description, followed by an image. 🖼️

Of course, you can edit this template to fit your brand, change the image, anything. All the templates in this list can be edited and adapted to match every possible business.

2. White Blog Style

White Blog Style

This template has a clean look, and it’s ideal for content that has a strong visual component such as a compelling image. A white background gives prominence to the image, and the simple, non-serif font makes your text easier to read. 📗

3. Blog Post – White Background

Blog Post White Background

Another newsletter template to share your blog posts, this one is ideal for longer written content. This template is ideal to share a longer blog post with your contacts, but if your blog post is quite long, we recommend adding an ellipsis at some point of the text with a “Read More” button linking to the blog post.

The “Read More” button is great because it gets your contacts to visit your website, where you can load a relevant landing page or a pop up. This sequence of events help you reach out to prospects or current customers, depending on how you set up the segments to which you’re going to send this message. ✉️

4. Most Popular Posts

Most Popular Posts

Another example of how you can use your blog posts to generate content for your newsletter is by linking your newsletter to the most popular posts on your website. You already know that users like these posts, so why not share them with your contacts?

Once again, we recommend using segments to figure out who you should send this email to and who you should skip. Segmenting and using tags allows you to match the user with the content they are interested in, according to the data you have from them. ℹ️

5. Announcement


This “announcement template” is ideal to give your contact list some updates about your products and services. If you’re launching something new, the best way to make sure your customers know this, is by emailing them. 📨

If you’re in doubt, just remember that the majority of Millenials prefer to be contacted by companies through email. If this doesn’t make you want to email your customers and prospects, we don’t know what will.

6. Features


Whether you’re launching a new product or just adding features to a pre-existing product, your customers should be notified. Email is a private way of communicating your new features and products that, at the same time, can be shared with other users.

You can also share these news on social media, but there’s a chance the algorithm will not favour your message. This is another reason why we believe email is the best way to let your users know about important news. 📰

This is another email newsletter template that can make your marketing strategy. Let your users know your product news by using this email template.

7. Features 2

Features 2

This is another email newsletter template that you can use to share news about your product updates. It can also be used to launch new products that you’re selling.

Of course, you can just use this template as a foundation for your design, editing it to better suit your business. đź‘”

How To Use Platformly's Templates

To find our templates on the Platformly service, click on “Messages” first, and then, from the drop-down menu, select “Save New Email”.



Now, on the new screen, scroll down until you find the “Launch Email Builder” button on your right-hand side.

Launch Email Builder

This will take you to our templates list. We'll just select this one called “Activities”.

Choose A Template

Once you click the template you want to use, Platformly will show you a larger version so you can make sure this is the template you need.

Select Template

If you agree, click “Select”. This will open the Email Builder.

Now, you can edit this template all you want until it matches your needs. Once done, just click “Apply” at the top left, and there you go. You created an email message from a template. If you are not a Platformly customer yet, check us out…

Edit And Apply


Wrapping Up

In this article, we shared with you a few examples of email newsletter templates that can help you start your email marketing strategy.

Do you want to have access to these templates? Well, all you have to do is subscribe to Platformly and you get these email newsletter templates and dozens of other templates that you can choose from. Are you ready?

If you have any questions, head on over to our comment section. Of course, we are always available on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

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About Author

Deeply passionate about writing, copy, and social media. Digital Marketing Assistant at Platformly.


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